The Wine House
The country learned to remember the name of Pias and began to mark it on the map, creating a true phenomenon that would continue to this day. More than four decades later, history repeats itself and a new occupation takes place – this time through the industrial eclipse of the Pias brand, which is taken over and absorbed by the market. Hundreds of brands were thus created under the same name, often without production originating in the region or, in more urgent cases, in the country. Without opposition from the responsible entities, Pias became nobody’s territory and the wine slowly lost its identity.
In 2020, the Margaça family takes a breath and designs a new strategy, claiming the legitimacy of the origin of its wines, the real wines of Pias. A new brand is born – the Família Margaça wines -, in honor of the family and the people of the village, and a new positioning and image is introduced to the market, with the mission to return Pias to what it is and always was – Pias.